Tuesday 4 August 2009

Done. . .

Monday afternoon. . .

Arrived at 14th Peak at 2:57pm. Snowdon, 1085m.

So there we have it. Easby Company at the top of Snowdon after roughly 30 miles, 15 peaks and nearly 30 hours of walking over 3 days we all arrived at the end!

After a quick photo we set off back down the Pyg track to Pen-y-pass. It took about 2 1/2 hours to get back down. We were literally soaked to the skin when we got to the hostel even our boots had filled with water.

All that's left to say now is a well deserved congratulations to every one, its a canny big thing we've done over the last few days and I'm proud to say I was apart of it. Every one was in good spirits each day and looked after each other. We had some great laughs and the crack was of the highest quality.

It has been a pleasure serving with you!!

Snowdon Massif. . .

Monday late morning and afternoon. . .

After seperating, the three of us are pushing on toward the top.  About 45 mins from the top we get a call through on the comms unit from the lads saying they've reached the summit! Not sure if this means Crib Goch or Garnedd Ugain or Snowdon? Then lost all comms!! 

After that the clouds descend and we can only see about 15 yards infront of us. Slowly getting soaked through, winds picking up! Hope the lads are ok at the top? 

The peak the four lads were on about was Crib Goch.
Arrived at 12th peak at around 11:00am ish. Crib Goch, 923m.

We three reached the top around 11:30am and headed right and climbed up to the peak of Garnedd Ugain. 

Arrived at 13th peak at 11:45am. Garnedd Ugain, 1065m.

Arrived at 13th peak at around 1:20pm ish. Garnedd Ugain, 1065m.

We met the lads in the cafe around 2:00pm and got their after action report. The weather had come in very early on for them which meant they had very poor visuals from early on! They had a tough time of it up there, straddling the knife edge on all fours in soaking wet conditions. Not the ideal situation to be in, on a knife edge with sheer drops either side of you in strong winds!

After the lads had had a warm drink we set back out in the rain to finish the job!           

Venting spleen. . .

Writing this in the cafe at the top of Snowdon. . . 

This is strange sitting here, been here about half an hour and from looking around I'd say 90% of the people here have arrived at the highest point in Wales and England by train. You can tell who these people are because they are dry and are all buying t-shirts, pens, book marks and other useless items that boast that their owner has been to the top of Snowdon!  Kind of undermines what we've done a bit!! 

For the last three days we've been marching around the huge open landscape of Snowdonia,  up and down the tallest peaks,  mostly meeting only a handful of people as we went and finally making it to the end, to be greeted by tourists buying tat!!

I'm not having a go at anyone in particular just saying it's a bit strange that's all! Still a bit upset that I haven't been able to finish all 14 peaks, so for the time being these tourists will take the brunt of my frustration!  

So sitting here in the cafe on top of Snowdon in agony (physically and emotionally). The three of us are soaking wet waiting for the other four to arrive. At least we have a hot cuppa tea to drink. Even if we have to share it with about 100 civilians! 

Bad times. . .

Monday morning. . . 

Got to the fork where the Pyg track and path to Crib Goch seperate and I had to face the reality that I wouldn't be completing the 14 peaks! I couldn't have climbed Crib Goch with me knee like this!   I'm absolutely devastated!! I'd hoped from the beginning to finish all 14 peaks and to come all this way just to fall short by one peak is incredibly hard to bare! I know it seems trivial but you put heart and soul into something like this and to graft hard for three long days and not achieve what you set out to achieve is painful!!

Walsh, Legs, Lyons and Welsh Rob set off up to Crib Goch and Jim, Stav and me set off up the Pyg track toward Garnedd Ugain. We arranged to meet at the cafe at the summit of Snowdon and reach the final peak altogether.


The big push. . .

Monday morning. . . 

Up at 7:00am, ready for our last assault on Snowdonia. Today will end our attempt at the 14 peaks, where hopefully all 7 of us will finish at the top of Mount Snowdon.

Knee is stiff as a board this morning, walking around the hostel is very difficult but hopefully it'll loosen as we get walking. 

Set off from Pen-y-pass at 8:35am, the weather has taken a turn and all the peaks are in the clouds, looks like it's gonna be a wet day! 

The pain in me knee is making it difficult to walk, even with one of Stavs walking poles. I've got a horrible sense that Crib Goch may not be an option for me today as it requires a heavy amount of rock climbing and scrambling which in turn needs working knee joints! Trying not to think about that though as we've come too far and worked too hard for me to miss out one of the 14 peaks!


End to a long second day. . .

Arrived at 11th peak at 6:00pm. Elidir Fawr, 924m. 

The descent to the valley bottom from the last peak was the worst stretch I've had so far, every step was agony man! Knee is killing. Just seems to be downhill, it buckled a few times! 

Welsh Rob has had longstanding knee problems and he's suffering aswell but is dealing with it.

Felt really bad for the other lads as I probably added an hour on to drop to the valley bottom. It's horrible thinking you holding every one up!

Lyons, Legs and Walsh seem to fighting fit.     

Walsh had been a diamond all weekend. Holding back with the slower and the injured when he could be striding ahead.  Keeping us on course. Always making sure every one is doing ok and enjoying the trip. Walsh was built for walking and climbing and could do most of these mountains with his eyes closed and he has sacrificed alot to help the group finish this challenge and make sure the rest of us get the most out of it! Legend!! 

Arrived at Lyons senoir's car at 8:05pm. 

Checked into Pen-y-pass YHA and got tea on. Sausage and potatoes, no masher in the kitchen so it's officially not bangers and mash! 

All had showers and a beer and crashed out. 10 hours walking today! We'll all sleep well the neet and not just because there's nee german animal sharing our room!     

Tough decisions. . .

Sunday afternoon. . .

Knee is starting to give me some jip, getting pain in the back of it and it wrecks on any downhill terrain! 

With time slipping away, we have some things to decide on! Carry on to last peak after next one, staying on target for all 14 peaks or do next one and set off back to car, meaning we'll only do 13 of the 14!! 

It's a long walk to and more importantly back from Elidir Fawr. 

Lyons senior came up with the solution:  Carry on to last peak of day and he's gonna head back and come and pick up the drivers up in his car and take us to the drop point, he'll radio Stav (whose taking a rest day) to come and collect the rest and take them to the hostel. 

Plan sorted. Lyons senior strapped my knee up and it's given me some support so I'm gonna carry on! I'm determined to bag all peaks on this trip!  

Lyons senior, Hannah and Jim have set off back to the car drop point down Devil's Kitchen and the rest of us continue on to the last two peaks.  

Arrived at 10th peak at 4:28pm. Y Garn, 947m.